Single Handed Care. What Works?
Single-Handed Care: What Works? A Discussion Paper
By Deborah Harrison
Every OT based within social care will have experience of working alongside client's who require assistance with moving and handling; they'll also understand the importance of ensuring that the right balance of support, whether it's equipment, people, or a combination of both, is in place.
Double Handed Care Review Projects: What Works?
Over the past couple of years, Inclusion.Me have been involved in a number of proportionate care projects with great success. Our specialist manual handling OTs have been tasked to review the level of care in place for service users receiving double handed packages of care, with the intention of ensuring appropriate resources have been allocated and that the optimal equipment, training and quality of care are all in place. Some of the outcomes of these projects have been unexpected but very welcome, such as a greater sense of reported health, wellbeing and quality of care by service users, whilst others have been more predictable, such as increased care provider capacity and cost reductions.
But what works for these projects, how can you resource and fund them, what assessment tools should we use, what barriers frequently crop up, how can these barriers be overcome and possibly most importantly how do we know these proportionate care review projects work? Our aim for commisioning this discussion paper was to find exactly out "What Works", directly from the leading expert in the field, Deborah Harrison.
Discharge To Assess & Proprotionate Care: What Works?
From our recent experiences of running discharge to assess & proportionate care review services during the pandemic, the need for swift discharge back into the community is also having potentially huge implications in relation to double handed care, with timely reviews and truly integrated working practices being key in combating the potential long term legacy of the familiar recommendation of double handed QDS. Moving forwards, how can services continue to manage these increasing, but variable, demands within existing or diminishing resources? Again, we wanted to hear "What Works?"
This guide, and it’s predecessors, offer food for thought around how we can manage some of these often diametrically opposed components of community care and highlight exactly “What Works?” and what to avoid inorder to help ensure future Proportionate Care Projects, in whatever form they take, offer real value and benefit for all stakeholders involved, but most importantly service users and care providers.
Single-Handed Care: What Works? A Discussion Paper
By Deborah Harrison
We hope you find it informative and that this series of articles sparks plenty of discussion!
Inclusion.Me's range of Occupational Therapy Services includes:
Moving with dignity assessments
Managing Discharge To Assess services
Housing and Adaptations assessments (OT Outsourcing services)
Moving & Handling assessments using a single handed care approach
To speak to Matthew about Inclusion.Me and how to engage our professional Occupational Therapy services ring us on 01892 320334 or email