Moving & Handling...

Moving & Handling Assessments

We carry out comprehensive moving and handling assessments for clients who have difficulties moving independently or safely from one place or position to another as the result of an illness, injury, condition or age. Assessments are conducted within the client’s home, education or vocational environments. Our moving and handling assessors and trainers are experienced occupational therapists with post graduate training in moving and handling.

What We Do

We assess the requirements and capabilities of both the client and their carers during their daily activities such as dressing, bathing toileting etc, as well as when moving from one piece of furniture or equipment to another.

The assessment process identifies the risks involved when the client moves or is moved and provides recommendations to reduce the risks identified, for both the client and the carers.

Following our moving and handling assessment, a detailed report is provided which outlines any identified risks and the recommendations to reduce these.

Recommendations may include:

  • Follow up visits to trial various items of specialist equipment

  • Follow up visits with other professionals, such as a physiotherapist

  • Assessment in other environments the client accesses

  • Equipment purchase and installation

  • Creation of a moving and handling plan

  • Carer training-formal or client specific

Paedriatric Moving and Handling Assessments, Equipment Prescription & Training

Our paediatric moving and handling assessors and trainers are experienced occupational therapists with post graduate training in moving and handling children and young people.

We carry out comprehensive moving and handling assessments for clients who have difficulties moving independently or safely from one place or position to another as the result of an illness, injury, condition or age. Assessments are conducted within the client’s home or education or childcare environments.

We assess the requirements and capabilities of both the client and their carers during their daily activities such as dressing, bathing toileting, playing etc, as well as when moving from one piece of furniture or equipment to another.

The assessment process identifies the risks involved when the client moves or is moved and provides recommendations to reduce the risks identified, for both the client and the carers.

Following our moving and handling assessment, a detailed report is provided which outlines any identified risks and the recommendations to reduce these.

Recommendations may include:

  • Follow up visits to trial various items of specialist equipment

  • Follow up visits with other professionals, such as a physiotherapist

  • Assessment in other environments the client accesses

  • Equipment purchase and installation

  • Creation of a clear Moving and Handling Plan

  • Carer training-formal or client specific

Contact Us

If you would like to find out more about our moving and handling services, or to book an initial appointment, you can call us on 01892 320334 or email