To celebrate the New Year we're offering our T&Cs start up pack (ideal for independent OTs in need of a tailored set of T&Cs) at our Associate price of £75.....for everyone! That's a saving of £75! All you have to do is click the link below and then go to the T&Cs associates package option....this offer is only available until the end of Jan 2015 so don't miss out.....this really is unbeatable value and saves you ££££ on the price of a set of OT specific T&Cs created by solicitors for OTs in independent practice:

Click here to view our T&Cs start up pack offer

"Starting out in private practice should be exciting. It’s a time to think about all the amazing things you are going to achieve through working for yourself, a time to create the perfect work life balance, to earn the money your skills and experience rightly deserve but it’s also a time for lots of worrying expense and grown up things like insurance, business plans, expenses… and Terms & Conditions which can normally cost a small fortune!

T&Cs are an essential for OTs in private practice to have, but ones that are actually worth having can cost a lot of money, which OTs starting out may not want to initially commit to. Whilst our advise is to always get the best legal advise and T&Cs you can, which reflect your specific services, we think our legal start up package is an ideal option for those initially wanting an OT tailored starter pack… one which they can then adjust and tweak as their OT services or practice grows. The pack includes the following documents and all for the price of just £150 for non members or £75 for our associates / affiliates.

Cripps Harries Hall LLP in conjunction with ltdhave designed a start up document package aimed at helping OTs in private practice. This package contains:

Consumer contract documents

  • Terms of Engagement – Consumers

  • Engagement Letter

Commercial client contract documents

  • Terms of Engagement – Commercial Clients

  • Engagement Form – Commercial Clients

Notes for using the template documents also included.

NB These documents are example templates only and may not be suitable for your purposes. If you wish to use or amend any of these documents, we advise that you take legal advice to ensure that they are suitable for your requirements and/or amend them accordingly."


Some big changes at Inclusion.Me


Thoughts from The OT Show