Care Act Training Michael Mandelstam 29th November 2016

Michael Mandelstam: The Care Act 29/11/16 Lincoln

The Legal Implications for Health & Social Care Professionals, Commissioners and Providers

With the arrival of the Care Act, Inclusion.Me in partnership with United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust are very please to announce that this November we will be running a training session around these essential pieces of legislation; run by Michael Mandelstam and aimed at benefiting both Local Authority & Independent OTs.

  • Cost: Free to attend (lunch not included)

  • Location: The Lincoln Hotel, Eastgate, Lincoln, Lincolnshire. LN2 1PN

  • Date: 29th November 2016

  • Travel & Accomodation Details: Available upon request

This course will provide an outline of the Care Act 2014, which replaces all previous adult social care legislation. Including the new well-being duty, emphasis on prevention and informal carers, new rules about eligibility (outcomes and well-being), independent advocacy, new duties relating to prisons & childrens services.

More particularly, for Occupational Therapists, it considers the place of reablement, paediatrics, equipment and minor adaptations. As well as integration between social services and the NHS. Also the interface with other legislation, including DFG legislation, the NHS Act 2006, Mental Capacity Act 2005 etc. 

Michael Mandelstam worked in the 1980s at the Disabled Living Foundation. In the 1990s at the Department of Health.

He has since worked independently. Providing legal training to a wide range of social and health care organisations. He has written a number of widely used legal books. Including Community Care Practice and the Law (4 editions). And Occupational Therapy Good Practice and the Law (for COT, 2005).

For more information on this event and to register your interest in attending the day please email


Inclusion.Me @ The OT Show 2016


Michael Mandelstam Care Act Paediatric OT Training