Occupational Therapy & Education...
Occupational Therapy & Education
Our specialist paediatric occupational therapists provide individualised, comprehensive assessments and OT for children and young with a wide range of conditions and challenges. We can assist in the areas of assessments and reports for EHCPs and SEND Tribunals, occupational therapy EHCP provision, and providing school-based occupational therapists.
Assessments and reports for Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs)
Our specialist paediatric occupational therapists provide individualised, comprehensive assessments for children and young with a wide range of conditions and challenges in order to help inform their EHCPs.
This includes children and young people who may have Autism Spectrum Conditions (ASC/ ASD), Dyspraxia, Cerebral Palsy, Brain Injury, Spinal Injury, Muscular Dystrophy, Developmental Delay, Down’s Syndrome, Arthrogryposis, other Syndromes and Genetic Conditions, to name a few.
Through in depth assessment, the therapist determines the educational needs of the young client in order to inform Section B of the Plan. The needs identified are only those that are within the professional scope of occupational therapy and the assessors additional post graduate training and professional experience.
Once the therapist has been able to clearly identify the client’s educational needs, they are able to outline the occupational therapy provision* (if appropriate) required to meet the needs and provide quantified and specified information on this provision to inform Section F of the Plan.
The therapist will also provide realistic and measurable outcomes to inform section E and information on the environmental and resource requirements of the placement to be named in Section I.
All of the above information is provided very clearly in a detailed assessment report which can be shared with the child’s school and local authority.
We accept referral from parents, schools, education authorities, solicitors and case managers for an assessment and report to inform an EHCP and require signed parental consent prior to carrying out the assessment.
*The recommended occupational therapy provision is based purely on the therapist’s assessment findings and the professional opinion of the assessing therapist.
EHCP Assessments and Reports for Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunals
We provide detailed EHCP assessment reports specifically to help inform tribunals. The reports include detailed information to inform Sections B, F, and E of the EHCP. They also include information on the resources and environmental requirements of any placement that is named in section I. All information contained within the reports are within the professional scope of occupational therapy and contain the assessor’s professional opinions based on assessment findings.
Please note, Inclusion does not offer the service of attending tribunal hearings.
Occupational Therapy EHCP Provision
Our specialist paediatric occupational therapists are able to deliver the quantified and specified OT provision as outlined in a child or young person’s EHCP. We accept referrals from parents with personal budgets, local education authorities or from schools in receipt of funding from the LA in order to deliver the provision. As part of the provision commissioned, we provide reports to inform the annual review of the EHCP, recommending any changes to sections B, F and E as appropriate from an OT perspective.
School Based Occupational Therapists
If you work in a mainstream or specialist education setting and are looking for an OT to work in your school on a regular basis, do get in touch. Our paediatric OTs have a wide range of clinical and education backgrounds. We will endeavour to find the right therapist with the required availability to match the needs of your pupils and school. We can tailor our support to your individual school requirements and budgets. This may include providing general advice, support and training to school staff and pupils through to individual 1:1 therapy sessions, including EHCP provision for specific, named children.
Contact Us
If you would like to find out more about our education-related services, or to book an initial appointment, you can call us on 01892 320334 or email enquiries@inclusion.me.uk